Tuesday, January 5, 2010


An entire decade has come to end,and we still do not what to call it.
This dilemma is not new.It comes every 100 years to confuse the mind,and yet after two millenia we still haven't solved the problem.There is no such difficulty with the decades that go from the Twenties to the Nineties.The Twenties can be immortalised in human memory as The Great Depression,the Forties for World War II.In Cricket,the Nineties are always 'Nervous'..
But whatever the association,,these is no confusion about what to call each decade;The years starting from 2020 will be called The Twenties,those starting from 2060 shall be called The Sixties.

By the same logic,the decade that has begun from 2010 ought to be called the Tens,shouldn't it?But it isn't so because of a strange quirk of the English language.If the Twenties go 20,21,22 and so on,the Tens should go Ten,Ten one,Ten two,Ten three,Ten four..etc.
But instead we have Ten,Eleven,Thirteen...

When we enter the age of the Raging Hormones,we are said to be the Teens.So we can call the second decade The Teens.except what could happened to the years Ten,Eleven:)Twelve?

If anything,the first decade is even trickier.Using the logic of the decades Twenties to Nineties,we ought to call the Noughts.Or The Zeroes.Or as someone in the United States suggested using an archaic 19th. Century word-the Oughts.Or even worse,The Nothings!  We have just lived through the Nothings! Ten wasted years for the whole of humankind! Memories of all kinds,some of them deliriously happy,have gone into complete oblivion! Achievements-some of them glorious.reduced to Nullity!So much toil and trouble,all of them wiped away clean! 

'Turn of the century' was used for the first decade of the 20th.century.But it only suggests the first year of the new decade,not the entire decade.If we use human chronology,we would use the word 'Childhood'.But the word 'Childhood Decade' sounds awfully infantile.
Let's explore.. - how's the 'Units'?Too numerical.'The First DecaThe First Decade'?Too prosaic. 'The Toddlers'?-It doesn't seem to sound that bad,but wouldn't we look a bit ridiculous still 'toddling' around in our 8th. and 9th.year?

One radical solution is to shorten the second decade to seven years and called 'The Teens'. And we could increase the first decade by three years and call it 'The Pre-Teens'.Now does that stink? Ok,I give up.You find your own word then..

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