Monday, August 22, 2011

7th day - Anna still fasting

This UPA 2 government seems to have embarked upon a self. Destruction -- which is mind baffling

Any self-respecting citizen who wants to shine in his nation's glory (we all do, in varying degrees of public exposure to which we make our opinions subject to) as much as we want to make our country proud of her children.

Let's take a look at historical facts in the last three decades of British rule in India. All of us know this, we feel proud of them, respect them to the extent of worship. How many members did the Indian National Congress, or the Muslim League,(the latest entrant, Forward Bloc, was arm-twisted to stop their movement from entering the national politics. It was dirty politics even during the last years of the British Raj, when M K Gandhi too apparently forgot about the actual agenda -- and became more involved with intra Congress political manoeuvres, The people of that generation, not the leaders, but those followed them, had taken brute batons for them because the leaders needed numbers to confront the British Lawmakers both in India and in the British Parliament, in the House of Commons.

They say Anna is underlying parliament and democracy. NO. Anna is trying to revive the near-extinct institutions of democracy. These UPA dogs and all the worthless predecessors, whose names appear in textbooks of history, have made thr parliament their own fief. Shameless vile criminals.

Whatever little respect I had for our PM died today. Corruption is everywhere, Pakistan is buggering us at the drop of a hat - he has been so meek (he is a refined man , doesn't like 'traditional politics. And this hypocrite with two faces, this /gentleman, son of a gun, talks tough yesterday!

The movement wouldn't be for one day. We shall be in protest in nonviolent civil disobedience until Anna is released from, and leads us all to The Jan Lokpal Bill being tabled in the Parliament and Shall be Passed. There is no turning around from here. If today is the day of reckoning in independent India, let it be Today, or our children shall upon us hurting questioning eyes like the way we look down on Indian polity.

I am fasting & shall stop if our leader stops. I did the last time. I wanted to feel the Source from which a septuagenarian fasts to fight for us, our children & our future..

Sent from my BlackBerry®Smartphone ------------------------------------------------------
Dr.Anirban Chaudhuri, MBBS
Consultant Physician,
Mumbai, India. ------------------------------------------------------
"It is important to just listen for a while instead of speaking." -- My teacher ------------------------------------------------------

Friday, August 19, 2011

Cynical noses rubbed

This post is one of vindication. Last few days I've overheard in TV news channel debates, and here in FB too, words that defied my overstretched imagination that it was impossible to gulp down. Opinions of well read of Wisdom, opine in the same tune :

1) Anna's movement is being remote-controlled by foreign powers, and that the vast mass support that we see now has been paid for. And in that sense my support with active fasting has bartered for money, by foreign powers (this was officially stated by the Prime Minister in the Parliament as destabilising forces sponsored by enemy nations,.

2) The movement is an overhyped spectacle and the ground reality is totally different. An audio-visual show the galleries. While I can only opine that such corrupt thoughts can only originate by corrupt minds and corrupt intellect. And also the idea it is mass hysteria.

Have a look at what is happening in Ram Leela Maidan where the social activist is protesting with his indefinite fast. If this is mass hysteria as projected by some voices, i would like to alter the context in which these two words find juxtaposed : mass & hysteria.

Yes it Is a Movement of the Mass, and for the Mass.
Hysteria seems to have got the better of the origin of the minds that were questioning the morality and intent of this movement.
As corruption can be slowly uprooted from the Indian psyche, it is important to throw these corrupt voices into the Arabian Sea. Not because of their opposing opinions (no system can be sustained if a healthy criticising opposition is not their. Because these corrupt voices will again put seeds of corruption in the new System.
Unapologising with modesty,

Sent from my BlackBerry®Smartphone ------------------------------------------------------
Dr.Anirban Chaudhuri, MBBS
Consultant Physician,
Mumbai, India. ------------------------------------------------------
"It is important to just listen for a while instead of speaking." -- My teacher ------------------------------------------------------

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Anna Hazare's stand on the choice of the place of protest perhaps is causing a little irritation in patriotic minds who are impatient now, waiting for a clear reality act to happen.
Enough of greys where the colours permitted are white colour and the absence of colour.

Actually the choice of place in Satyagraha serves a symbolic purpose ; like JP , India Gate etc. These places have witnessed massive mass movements in the past e.g Jay Prakash Narayan. Also it should accommodate the maximum number of people - followers & protesters. He's declared from the very beginning that he would organise a people's movement, not mere tokenism. Otherwise he & followers can might as well fast at home.

It is "Satyagraha" that 'just another common Indian' is being inspired to do by Anna. That has got many aspects to fulfil to drive home its protest.

* People join a Satyagraha by themselves, and not by given money and free lunch packets. The leader does something that the target of protest is cornered to concede, and the mass is inspired by the leading light ahead, and follow the exemplary leader.

* The protest and its reason intends to reach maximum number of people all over the world. A successful Satyagraha rides mass support in other countries in addition to the support of its country. It needs audio visual exposure to be noticed by one and all. The target bows down to mass protests, genuine grievances of the suffering lot, and dissenting voices.

M K Gandhi called off the Civil Disobedience Movement in 1929 when he had the support of the entire country behind him. He called it off because of a stray incident of violence when protesters burned 7 policemen alive in Chaurichaura Police Station. This act of seeming 'benevolence' should never be forgotten by forgiving broad-minded hearts, because the country's independence was holding a stake in 1929. Gandhi might have had a good night's sleep, with Non-violence being upgraded, but he stole and ruined a good night's sleep for Indians for the next 18 years, and perhaps history of Divided India would've been different.

Gandhi put the priority of his philosophy ahead of the county's well being --- it can never be defended, because Gandhi himself was against Fanaticism -- religious or ethnic. But here is one example of philosophical fanaticism he committed himself and India paid an expensive price.

It was centuries of pent up hatred, disgust & anger exploding having a vent somewhere. Though burning people alive cannot be condoned by any means, in any situation, it wouldn't be fair if I look at the incident without an eye on the pages of history of colonial rule, keeping the crueltyn and unprovoked dastardly acts of crime that had been unleashed during colonial governance.. .
Not willing to denigrate of Dr. Bertrand Russell and Voltaire's intellect in any way, I'd rephrase their quotes. Times tends to rephrase, if not replace, everything ('when times they are a changin..')
"The origin of Extreme actions lie in extreme anger, or extreme defeat" - true. It shall be more correct if the stress is laid on the 'extremes', and not anger or defeat per se. This can analyse the Chaurichaura horror, but can never justify it.

Well M K Gandhi would have been awe struck if he was around today. Not a single episode of violence & vandalism in the greatest mass movement in the history of India. I wonder if there's a peer anywhere else. I salute you, people of India.

Sent from my BlackBerry®Smartphone ------------------------------------------------------
Dr.Anirban Chaudhuri, MBBS
Consultant Physician,
Mumbai, India. ------------------------------------------------------
"It is important to just listen for a while instead of speaking." -- My teacher ------------------------------------------------------

Wednesday, August 3, 2011



• S R :
If the person who killed 90+ people in Norway was a Muslim, the Press would have declared him as terrorist and the act as terrorism. For now, he is just an "Assailant ", "Attacker" , "Gunman" (BBC, CNN ). Looks like "Terrorist " is a name reserved for Muslims??? The US Dept of State calls it an "Act of violence" (not an "Act of Terrorism" ). Share this status if you are against such hypocrisies and let the world know

4 hours ago · Unlike today
You and 8 others like this.

• Anirban Chaudhuri :
Whatever names this psychopath are being conferred upon, the fact remains that he has committed mass genocide in the name of religion or issues based around religion.

As a secular Indian coming from a secular whose members were/are followers of a religion or faith, I'm not at all bothered about what the US dept. thinks about the killer. He is a KILLER. He KILLED innocent men.

"Social commentators" might philosophise the act of genocide where innocent blood was spilled. We might as well see a new generation comprising of Next Gen or Neo- 'Bacon's, 'Rousseau's, 'Voltaire's, 'Russell's, 'Cant's, 'Virgil's, 'Nietzche's.

"Thinkers" might Intellectualize the build up of events & background leading to genocide.

"Human Rights" activists can shout from the roof tops that it was the reaction to being subject to indirect 'victimisation', perhaps even linking the act of genocide to a possible existential threat he was forced to confront and perceive, as he got caught up in a quagmire of falsified facts, lies and hypocrisy , as part of a continuing process over a considerable time, that has been glorified as acts of bravery as crusaders of & for the religions, mainly Islam & Christianity.
In a civilized world no intent no matter why and how glorious, can justify MURDER.

These inhuman concepts have been nurtured by the clergy of religions to a point that Man became a Fanatic who prioritized duties and demands of his Religion over preservation of human life. Such murders in the name of religion, have led to distorted perceptions and feelings of hatred and vengeance around another set of genocide that too was in the name of religion.

A murderer is murderer no matter why and how it has been committed - by gunning down, by assault, by attacking, by terrorising, directly, indirectly, by blowing one's self up, by remote detonation, by flying passengers into buildings, all this while targeting innocent families whose women have been raped, children been tortured in the most gruesome of ways. People have been beheaded, with their killers uttering religious incantations
that literary mean :
" I do this in your name,
by my faith,
to preserve your religion
on earth and the heavens
for you are the only religion in the world,
give me strength to carry on this tradition down generations so that this holy duty and act of glory can be done in future, as non believers in your religion should be eliminated."

This terrorist is in exactly in the same class as Pakistani "gunmen" or Afghan "gunmen" or the "gunmen" in our Jammu and Kashmir, where they assault, attack, shoot, bomb, trying to subjugate Humanism down to its

It's so very encouraging to observe people like you to stand up and protest against what you think is wrong. Mankind needs it, the unborn child needs it so that it can live to lead life in peace. I also strongly feel that eminent people especially of your religion should be more forthright, and declare in public to all over world to reach its most desolate and darkest corners.

Since 1980, 95 % of such attacks of violence, or terrorisation, mass genocide, have occurred 'in the name of Islam'. Because no true religion on earth can ever demand manslaughter as a duty of its believers.

It might be purely coincidental that now it is Islam, maybe 100 years ago it would have been Hinduism, or maybe 70 years later it might be Christianity or Jainism.. Whatever religion it might be, if innocent people are killed in the name of religion, then it is imperative that we, you and me, shall be more vocal with more frequency, and stand up to declare in front of the entire world that a religion can never or could ever have elements that empower a believer with the right to kill man in vengeance or hatred. The entire world should be told that this Norwegian murderer is a Murderer , one cannot bring religion into manslaughter. And there should not be misperceptions in any country as to no murderer's 'nomen clature' be given so much importance that there is a multitude of synonyms which might, technically, seem to classify an act of violence that killed even one innocent man. (I would be at my happiest best to see a mass genocide inside a community where these animals kill each other to extinction.)

If at all there has to be a 'qualification' for possible legal reasons, it should be uniform :
Anders Breivik is a killer who is a Christian, who try to justify his act by the name of conflicts between religions. Hafeez Syed, Osama Bin Laden are all mass murders, who are Muslims, and they killed innocent life in the name of "holy crusade" because they have a distorted perception about Islam that preaches genocide.

You, I, everyday should rise and declare in the loudest of voices repeatedly, Osama Bin Laden was a mass murderer. He can't belong to Islam. Particularly the clergy section should be pressed upon if necessary by govts and citizens to detach the element of a distorted Islam from acts of homicide, and such people should be hounded out of human civilisation.
Have you noticed that no government or any Christian community-citizen or the Papal chair of religious authority has been seen to desanctify Anders Breivik from the faith of the church, or separate Christianity from killer Anders Breivik (who is a Christian). It can be understood why.

Anders Breivik didn't or hasn't claimed that he took inspiration from the pages of The Bible, or even his perception of what he read in The Bible. He didn't say that Christianity empowered him to negate unholy forces that threatened the very existence of men of his belief or that of his faith (that, though, makes no difference in the severity of crime, Pope or no Pope). I am sure that anything that is associated even remotely with the Christian Church, they would have denounced. Like in the recent past when there was communal violence in Orissa as Hindu extremists attacked the Church as(again justify) there were reports of forced conversion by the Church. The archbishop repeatedly came to TV news channels and debates to clarify that the Christian Church hasn't indulged in forced conversion as reported earlier. I feel that it has held a consistent stand which has been declared as informations into the domain of public domain.

Islam unfortunately hasn't been represented by the clergy, the thinkers and the common man in the backdrop of a very high percentage of Muslims in all the incidents over the last 20+ years that have witnessed
killing/terrorising/shooting/bombing/abductions crimes that the perpetrators committed in the name of Islam -- to the extent of glorifying murder of man who has been perceived as a threat to Islam.

Perhaps you and I can join hands (across an unfortunate bridge) as Indians to illuminate dark fanatic minds who might be having distorted religious ideologies, the cause of potential future disaster.

Thank you for voicing your discontent publicly , loud and clear.
7 minutes ago. • today
Sent from my BlackBerry®Smartphone ------------------------------------------------------
Dr.Anirban Chaudhuri, MBBS
Consultant Physician,
Mumbai, India. ------------------------------------------------------
"It is important to just listen for a while instead of speaking." -- My teacher ------------------------------------------------------