Sunday, December 30, 2012


Yesterday I had this strange dream..

I dreamt that I was being born in this planet,in this time-space,but remembering everything.And my mother was giving me a discourse of what all things I shall have to forget to grow up into a 40yr.old man again.

Before she made me forget everything-those few seconds before I would become the helpless child newly-born with no memory ,I had flashes of information wracking my head. I remembered that I have no official religion and it doesn't even have a name.It shall never have one.But it is not an organised religion.Organised religion is God-in-a-Web, the Great Spider in the centre of a thousand doctrines and rituals and mandatory beliefs.And people die in that web.So I have a nameless disorganised religion.I must have Something then.

I have a way of finding what is true for me.It is an experimental personal philosophy.And it will never have a name. 
Because a name is just a label.As soon as there's a label,ideas disappear and there is label-worship and label-bashing. And instead of living by a theme of ideas,people begin dying for labels.That the world needs a new religion is the last thing I wish for. My experimental privacy does not have a symbol. If it did have one, it wouldn't be an Om ,a star,or a crescent.If it were to have one,it shall be a cross without the bar-because I don't like 'bars'.

A cross without the bar is the number One.One in binary arithmetic means Not-Nothing, an Is instead of Isn't.One is the number of Life,no matter how many dreams I have,of Life.

A cross without a bar is the Capital 'I'.It reminds me that this nameless path is my personalised thinking-not to be suggested by circumstances.

A cross without the bar is a Little 'i'.It reminds me there's a test,with a question that awaits the end of every dream I have.
And I was born again in time-space.How strange it felt,being born!Hours ago I was safe,floating, happy,systems working warm and well.Now the mind is a control room at nuclear breakdown-full emergency.A hundred terror-bright, death-red warnings flashing:"Breathe now or die.Eat now or die.Falls kill,fire kills,water kills,enemies in the dark."

Never before have I seen so many bright precautions, and now I am wide-open,vulnerabl e and powerless,and I can't even sob the word for "HELP"!

I felt my mother reassuringly close to me.I wanted her to stay close till I've checked out on the fears of danger."Tell me Ma what was I doing here?Did I pick this life for me,or did you?" 
Ma had answers, but all my questions were cries of a wailing new-born.The choice seemed to be to close my eyes,shut down all systems,and sleep.So this was space-time,Land of no Other Choice.It is all blurs now but the more one sees,the worse it gets.Here is hunger, and thirst, and cold.

She stroked my head,as she said,"Little one,the dragons outnumber you,and they lie.You can choose.You have two choices..One- call their bluff,don't listen to their limits.Close your eyes,lift your spirit,remember who you are,beyond space,beyond time,never born,never dying..."
I relaxed,and let go.

"..and the physical world will raise a fist in victory-Dead! All eyes to swear your tiny body unbreathing, all flingers agree no pulse,sign a scroll to call your victory death."

Another Choice: "Win by losing. Defore your outer walls break, as break they must,if you are to stay,build an inner place to protect your Truth. Protect the fact that you are infinite life. Protect that the world you know exists with your consent and for your good reasons.. Protect that your purpose and mission is to shine love in your own playful life."

"Wow! Great to be here!And so much to learn"-I thought."Good. Yes,mortals love to learn.And I shall always love to learn.This seemed to be my first learning."

Appearance is reality.

Reality changes with time and space.

Nothing lies beyond space.

Atoms form, rule and end life.

Destiny is chance.Some people are lucky,some are not.To live is to win,to die is to lose.

Nothing exists until it is created physically in space-time.Everythi ng that is created,is destroyed.It is all a matter of time.

And Nothing exists after time.

Force is power.

Anger is the only warning one ever gets.

Fear is no defense.

Origin is luck.

Body is machine, of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, running on organic fuel. Body controls mind.

Mind is random electrical activity through brain.

There is one physical reality. It does not need one's consent for existence. One' s thought has zero effect on the reality of the physical world. There is no such thing as non-physical reality. Refuse these ideas and one shall die. 
Everything does not have an answer. The universe is un-knowable. Nothing important makes sense. I am the captain of my hidden space-ship, waiting to take me home. The crew we sign aboard our inner ship are navigators and helmsmen. We all meet them the moment we are ready or needful or curious to touch. We wait all these years to find someone who understands us, someone who accepts us as the persons we are,someone with a wizard's power to melt stone to sunlight, who can bring us happiness in spite of trials, who can face our demons in the darkest of nights, who can transform us into the soul we choose to be. Yesterday I found out that the magical Someone is the face we see in the mirror. It is us and our home-made Polygonal masks.

All these years,and at last we meet….

Well,it was just a dream yesterday night..

Saturday, December 29, 2012


My blog - DISSECTION OF CONSCIENCE : A DOCTOR'S DIARY has 14,050 followers/readers today. 
It's a delightful discovery, it's an incredible feeling and it's been a fascinating journey of learning together.  I can only say THANK YOU to all of you, as words fail me at the moment.
Learning is a never-ending process.
THANK YOU again.


"Advocate.—I alluded, in p. 18, l. 18, to the real reason for our anxiety to persuade widows to follow their husbands, and for our endeavours to burn them, pressed down with ropes: viz. that women are by nature of inferior understanding, without resolution, unworthy of trust, subject to passions, and void of virtuous knowledge; they, according to the precepts of the Shastru [Hindu sacred scriptures], are not allowed to marry again after the demise of their husbands, and consequently despair at once of all worldly pleasure: hence it is evident, that death to these unfortunate widows is preferable to existence; for the great difficulty which a widow may experience by living a purely ascetic life, as prescribed by the Shastrus, is obvious; therefore, if she do not perform Concremation, it is probable that she may be guilty of such acts as may bring disgrace upon her paternal and maternal relations, and those that may be connected with her husband. Under these circumstances, we instruct them from their early life in the idea of Concremation, holding out to them heavenly enjoyments in company with their husbands, as well as the beatitude of their relations, both by birth and marriage, and their reputation in this world. From this many of them, on the death of their husbands, become desirous of accompanying them; but to remove every chance of their trying to escape from the blazing fire, in burning them we first tie them down to the pile.
Opponent. –The reason you have now assigned for burning widows alive is indeed your true motive, as we are well aware; but the faults which you have imputed to women are not planted in their constitution by nature; it would be, therefore, grossly criminal to condemn that sex to death merely from precaution. By ascribing to them all sorts of improper conduct, you have indeed successfully persuaded the Hindoo community to look down upon them as contemptible and mischievous creatures, whence they have been subjected to constant miseries. I have, therefore, to offer a few remarks on this head.
Women are in general inferior to men in bodily strength and energy; consequently the male part of the community, taking advantage of their corporeal weakness, have denied to them those excellent merits that they are entitled to by nature, and afterwards they are apt to say that women are naturally incapable of acquiring those merits. But if we give the subject consideration, we may easily ascertain whether or not your accusation against them is consistent with justice. As to their inferiority in point of understanding, when did you ever afford them a fair opportunity of exhibiting their natural capacity? How then can you accuse them of want of understanding? If after instruction in knowledge and wisdom, a person cannot comprehend or retain what has been taught him, we may consider him as deficient; but as you keep women generally void of education and acquirements, you cannot, therefore, injustice pronounce on their inferiority.. . .Secondly. You charge them with want of resolution, at which I feel exceedingly surprised: for we constantly perceive, in a country where the name of death makes the male shudder, that the female, from her firmness of mind, offers to burn with the corpse of her deceased husband; and yet you accuse those women of deficiency in point of resolution.Thirdly. With regard to their trustworthiness, let us look minutely into the conduct of both sexes, and we may be enabled to ascertain which of them is the most frequently guilty of betraying friends. If we enumerate such women in each village or town as have been deceived by men, and such men as have been betrayed by women, I presume that the number of the deceived women would he found ten times greater than that of the betrayed men. Men are, in general, able to read and write, and manage public affairs, by which means they easily promulgate such faults as women occasionally commit, but never consider as criminal the misconduct of men towards women. One fault they have, it must be acknowledged; which is, by considering others equally void of duplicity as themselves, to give their confidence too readily, from which they suffer much misery, even so far that some of them are misled to suffer themselves to be burnt to death.In the fourth place, with respect to their subjection to the passions, this may be judged of by the custom of marriage as to the respective sexes; or one man may marry two or three, sometimes even ten wives and upwards; while a woman, who marries but one husband; desires at his death to follow him, forsaking all worldly enjoyments, or to remain leading the austere life of an ascetic."


Today, 29th December,2012, enters the pages of History as Black Saturday.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy started his anti-Sati movement on 29th December. I am not writing the year intentionally, because I want you to look it up and read more. He was not a political leader, nor did he represent any NGO with a feminist slogan. All I know is that the Sati Act got formulated and implemented fast.

I feel strange, looking at the unprecedented people's movement i'm following over internet networks and national television. 

Is it a Deja Vu?

Sections of the AV media is wrong in choosing words. Delhi CM Sheila Dikshit was not "heckled" by protesters in Jantar-Mantar. She was "stopped". The people of Indians preserve the right to choose How to protest. Where was Sheila D for the last 2 weeks?Did she come today to protest?
"Heckled" paints the picture political, and we maintain Zero Tolerance towards Politicization of our expressions of anger and grief.. 

The worst disservice we can do to Nirbhaya's memory is let the movement die down. 
I appeal to India -    don't let this opportunity go. It's a movement for Freedom, Freedom from Fear, from Bias, from Misogynist mind-sets. 

We need to introspect today - all of us. 
We need to dissect our own conscience