Saturday, April 30, 2011


The Great Indian Corruption has not decelerated one bit in its path of rampage. even after we thought that following the social stir three weeks back that there would be a "time-off" however short that may be. Well we got it all wrong. Scams and shameful acts continue to occupy the front pagers.

Anyway you and me haven't been bothered at all (as usual, have we? -Cheers to that) while enjoying the national primetime show at home as UP police 'investigates' the case of national athlete Arunima with the premeditation (brilliant detective work indeed) that the athlete had most probably attempted a suicide.. Indeed. How could I think that there were robbers/chain snatchers on that train? After all it is UP - Mayavati in charge - keeping Dr.Ambedkar's torch alight and shining.

Another "currently running to packed houses" show originates from Haryana, and the very place our MaLe pugilists hail from - Vijender, Akhil : Didn't we worship them when they won medals? Of course we did! We are proud of Bhiwani! So what if two ladies, rephrased - "fallen females" were beaten to death by 6 MEN, as the great town watched silently, I repeat - silently. And Haryana's chief minister has been prompt to assert himself with Haryanvi Masculine Strength, and "quote" : No law and order problems in 'my' state. Point taken. Of course, the men were practising 'punches' (for almost 70 minutes - that's a mind-blowing 23 rounds in the arena) on two expenable and disposable sand-bags, Sorry body-bags -- doesn't matter, does it, my friend? Of course long as the punches were finding their target.. And thus spake the Haryanvi CM : All is well! Of course, we loved the song, you and me, didn't we?And the movie too. The way you and me have been sitting at home, over the last 3 weeks, patting our butts and screaming these three lines in sequence..

To come to think of it, we were shouting down corrupt politicans and bureaucrats to oblivion, or hell.. Whatever. Tell me one thing my friend//my moralistic, courageous Indian brother/sister- have you seen, do you know, or have you tried to know (in case you are in the UK or USA) that there is another Tamasha going on in your country (oh of course you can call it 'our country'!):

The MPs slugfest in the proceedings of the PAC which's supposed to tag and nail the 'irresponsible', (was that too strong a word?)people questioning their accountability over the Rs.70,000 crores India lost in its 2G spectrum allocation. I haven't moved the skin covering my Holy Indian Gluteus Maximus an inch,
because my skin is 6 inches thin (the thinness is decreasing by the day) ... Just wanted to know the number of inches in your case -- no not the thinness, the distance you have moved 'yours' (I was just looking for an voice in agreement)

They(politicos) are also throwing muck at each other in debates over the latest release "Peter Davy Arms Drop": when the issue is how much our intelligence agencies and our Politicians had been compromising our national security with our belief in them. Down with them!
It's good that no spontaneous voice of protest has been heard recently. Now of course yes, we are all Indians, and I don't know about you but I don't stand up, or even put my hand up because I am proud of my Self-Respect and no way, shall let it get dirty just because some acts of lumpenism are taking place in a god-forsaken somewhere, an alibi that reflects my Dignity. (what's yours mate? Just between us..)

And why should we? Anna Hazare is there to take the dirt. And of course we shall claim our stakes in the spoils of victory... Our utter inertness, and richly traditional, and proudly hereditary Apathy has given so much motivation to the frail septuagenarian who conveniently does the dirty job for us. We should be -- (we are the descendants of those who contemplated on sequencing 'Shrutis' 5,500 years back), we know them by the word and thoroughly so. And we've been applying our Wisdom practically -- we should be as Detached as possible, from what actually is an illusion -- [well except for the spoils of victory that might be gained for us by the same frail septuagenarian who conveniently does the dirty job for us)

Have you written a letter? Have you uttered one word in protest? Are you illiterate? I know what you are going to shoot off what remains conveniently shut when it matters : "one can't do it alone".. I guess Anna Hazare is the Indian version of the Hamlin piper, that when he took the first step, everything followed. Why bother about others' tapping toes? Are You a paraplegic? Or a vegetable?
Of course you have got jobs to do.. You are all physicians, MBAs, Teachers, IT professionals...(I can see the Indian halo around your head). Or you are still expecting the 72 year. old to speak on your behalf ?

What are you, yourself? You point fingers towards politicos.. Stand in front of a mirror and point the finger at what is looking back at you. Maybe something will happen (if you are not an narcissist that is, frozen in front of that mirror, lost in your proudly burning eyes.)
I know you will get this mail out of your head the moment you finish it reading it. You are not Capable of doing Anything otherwise..You are the Great Indian Sample of Shamelessness.
 Sent from my BlackBerry® 
Dr.Anirban Chaudhuri
Consultant Physician (special interest in
Cardiology & Critical Care)
Mumbai, India.
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Everywhere I go I find that a poet has
been there before me..(Sigmund Freud)

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