Monday, April 11, 2011


[Dedicated to Dr Jnanananda Mukhopadhyay-my college-mate in CNMC]

The common Indian (or the Indian commoner -- if you prefer) is back again. My wife tells me I've started like The One too..
While I've been searching for a check-marked coat, I noticed that it has been a fascinating few fast dissipating weeks that all of confronted recently.

The archetypal couch-potato that I am, as I continue to watch on TV the massively spontaneous mass uprisings, I wonder in awe about the Collective Strength of us, Common Men(and Women), and it is a calming reassurance for the cynical minds that : Yes, It Can Be Done.

I'm sure that against the backdrop of the middle east 'renaissance', the eager anthropologist and the social observer didn't miss to neglect a definite pattern in human behaviour that had been theorized by scholars decades ago, but was not believed in entirety because an ever- accelerating process of technological evolution (and thus enabling technological advancement) in the late 20th century had ensured one definitive sociological phenomenon -- our society got segmented into smaller (in size, not necessarily so in relevance and importance) institutions -- small and essentially Isolated, that allowed the same basic diurnal activities of the human species to be carried out -- Families, which provide the stage for the same activities(and Acts) being carried out, to the day, at this very moment.(Well, the 'modes and modalities' in which the activities are carried out are quite different, but that, being a subtle variation, is not relevant to the present issue at hand that you have to bear with the products of the conditioned dyslexic I suspect myself to be..

This 'isolation', in the context of quality, quantity, subjectivity, objectivity, (...could you suggest more? My vain attempts to put on masks of expertise in philosophy, or sociology, or anthropology, shall never succeed, and I can only see doom..)shall always continue to vary, sometimes drastically. Though neosociological (a term borrowed without permission) trends seem to indicate that this concept of 'isolation' shall wipe itself out, I have a point here to argue and disbelieve for good reasons.

The 'neo--sociological isolation' shall perennially continue to exist over turning pages(or e-pages) of geography and across slides(or pps) on demography, (well at least till geography and demography shall cease to exist themselves). I fully agree that yes, technological evolution did lead to the present social structure where mass or collective actions of human behaviour are much less palpable or directly observable in any given situation, than individual behavioural patterns (and which thus dominate to affect our senses on any single day, anytime and anywhere on our family-stages).

Yet I find it a paradox: it is technological advancement -- that is throwing exploring lights on community behaviour at the moment. We just cannot ignore the role of the internet in all the recent changes the world has witnessed . There seems to be a new air of hope all around -- one barely expected to witness the way people changed systems in the Middle East recently, from Tunisia to Egypt, where freedom of expression had been usurped almost as a historical tradition. Man shall continue to dream and new ideas will always flow in, as they had done over the last 50 years. What clearly stands out is Absolute Intent and the way people used it, the practical execution to bring down everything that is stagnant and decadent.

One of the strongest factors behind this is the Internet -- the way people have used it for healthy communication, in e-forums and social networking sites as they fought to dream, to fight on...

Awareness has spread all over the world rapidly in its most unadulterated form, (we have witnessed sheer lack of speed and dilution of the original intent with time and peripheral distribution, in the networked fringes, breaking so many promising dreams before us, things just "fizzed" out)..I think India's fairytale is a very strong pointer about how we should proceed tomorrow, governance and administration at any level and in any office being amongst the foremost priorities of them all..

The Egyptian revolution and the 'mould' its socio-politics has chosen to be impressed by, are not Causes. They are Results (which I choose to qualify as unavoidable) of the Collective Consciousness of a group of people present in every cross-section of society, driven to secure unision by a variety of factors that they felt so as to prioritise in the same bracket. We all heard the barely audible pitch of voices accelerating to a crescendo, causing audible cracks in the glass that shattered away noisily in the palaces of the feudal elite. It was this Collective Emotion that spread digitally and was shared all over the world in the speed of light that hastened and strengthened the movement.

The prominent context which I'm trying to point out is the 'form' in which informations were despatched and received. Almost a century ago, a similar need to spread and share valuable information had become absolutely imperative in the European battle-fields where the First World War was being fought. Spread they did, in a hitherto relatively unknown technology which constituted of a manual exercise that printed a meaningful sequence of 'dots' and 'dashes' on a piece of paper, in a remarkably simple way that allowed transfer of information in incredible speed - the dots and dashes containing the essence of information zipped to and fro across continents and oceans, from one station to another in forms of electromagnetic quanta.

While the speed of 'actual' transfer (the physicality of the process) has remained almost the same, the time taken for the information to reach the recipient's brain, get registered and comprehended in its fullest form has come down drastically. More important is the format. Through the world-wide-web , ideas are shared in virtual audio-visual forms which incorporate the factor of 'Emotion' (which I believe you are fitter than yours truly to remotely attempt to conceptualise) to the data -- and that affects the result in an entirely different scale the parameters of which are neither digitally controlled nor contollable, in concrete digit units - a factor which man dreams to control with more authoritative volition some day,
(again - the concept of androids, humanoids, avatars is beyond the current issue. Though it would be interesting to observe when overzealous fertile brains (?geniusoids-- cerebroids) shall tinker about anti-corruptoids, fanaticoids, or nihilistoids, agnosticoids, even jihaditoids.. over superconductor receptacles containing hybrid consummables of siliconised caffeinoids)

And THAT is exactly why the process cannot be withdrawn or ever withdraw by itself (I'm putting in brackets against possible provocative protests, of course digitalised, coming from the [[ Academists, or Acosmists or Monists, even Nihilists or Primitivists -- .. They get me petrified to inaction! Do cover for me because I'm retreating, with just my Pen in hand)

Dreams and passions are shared now in the most elemental forms, no longer a question of when or where, and the echoes continue to reverberate to be manifested later, someday and somewhere else, so we have to Got to Continue: speak, listen, learn, share and adapt. All,.. to Live.

But again, That is what Life is all about, isn't it? I shall be keen to know what YOU say..

Sent from my BlackBerry®
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
Dr.Anirban Chaudhuri, M.B.B.S
Consultant Physician [special interest
in Cardiology &Critical Care]
Mumbai, India
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
"There is a Purpose behind us all. The
Whole intends to do Something through
us." -- Swami Vivekananda

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