Monday, July 13, 2009

Heading For Disaster

It is alarming to open the morning newspaper and find out another new
prediction which brings the approximate date of the Arctic Sea warming
up,the polar caps melting and inundation of the continents,closer and
Till a few years back,one could sit back and selfishly feel secure
that the potential doomsday is centuries away.
Perhaps this self-centred feeling of security has decelerated the
progress of awareness regarding eco-preservation and the potential
threat of global warming and its disastrous consequences.Man needed to
think deeper and act more strongly to stop and reverse the dynamic
ecological imbalance.
Trillions of globally dominant currency have been spent,newer
environment preservation groups have surfaced,to do something about
ozone holes,greenhouse effects and take drastic steps to stop and
reverse man-made pollution.
It has not been enough.Ecologic forecasts have set doomsday dates
centuries ahead,even millenia away.Now these dates have come so
close,with predictions of disastrous calamites in 2020 or so.This
alarms me.

It is more alarming to see the lack of desired responses.It seems we
are not taking these eco-researches and predictions.Are we in a mode
of self denial.Political oscillations,terrorism,economic
meltdowns,corporate mergers,billion currency deals,the ever-fresh dumb
charade of nuclear (non/) proliferation-it's a long list with improper
placements of priorities-dominate the thoughts of men behind
politico-economic power,of the electronic media,and (as a result)the
priorites of the average citizen.
Even the protesting voices of environmental groups have become
familiar now to the extent of being totally overlooked.
Man has developed a gross apathy.It seems to be a socio-psychological
community response.It's an apathy towards the potential threats of
destroying the planet and along with that,man's very existence.
It has been a deliberate subconscious process,resulting in a mind-set
behind which man hides and use it a tool to survive the trauma and
stress of modern life which is becoming fuller with newer complexities
and seem to be auto-generated.This seemingly auto-generation of newer
complexities encourages man to 'escape' to absolve himself of his
basic responsibiliter.Actually it represents the vicious cycle in
which man's life has been caught,spiralling towards destruction.
Man's perception has to change,and that too,very soon.If we think we
have got no control over life's ever-increasing complications and that
it is a social event which shall shall happen,then we are wrong.
If we admit for once that it is a man-made vicious cycle which has to
be cut at one place and can be rectified by man himself,half the job
is done.But one of us has to take the most important step,the very
first one.

Is anybody listenin?

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