Sunday, October 4, 2009


Earlier this week,while we were discussing the Indian casteism,newspapers ran a story about an article in the latest issue of NATURE,discussing Indian genetic similarities and variations.The press seemed to infer that all Indians share common genetic codes(from an anthropomorphic aspect)from the ANI( Ancestral North Indians)and ASI(Ancestral South Indians)genetic pools and that there are no "pure" North or South Indians-which was the common belief till now.

 This is however grossly incorrect (as what commonly happens with the lay press,trying to deduce its own inference from a scientific research paper,always looking for an opportunity to come out with 'sensational' headline).This chronic "distorted comprehension" disorder of the press seems to arise from ignorance,irresponsibility and a hundred year itch for distorted deductions for the sake of sensationalization.
What David Reich et al actually discovered from the 19 groups they studied was that though there was a 39-71% ANI ancestry in all of them,the groups themselves did not show marked variations for at least 35 generations,and in case of the VYSYA group,for 105 generations.
This essentially means that the caste system has been actively dynamic for a long period of time without any marked change in the genetic pool,essentially due to endogamy(in-breeding).
One might seriously question the practical significance of this study result which does not seem to affect the flow of life now and tomorrow.
Endogamy can potentially lead to an increased incidence of genetic disorders caused by genetic mutation e.g. genetically inherited heart disease,caused by genetic mutation,is present in approximately 4% of all Indians,and notably ONLY in Indians.(It surely would be fascinating to trace the transmission of skin colour with its variations down the generations,given our frenzied,illogical fetish for Fairness!)
When bad things happen to us,we seek answers.When there are no answers,we turn to non-rational sources.(Like the prehistoric hunter-gatherer tribes used to blame the Fire Spirit,or the Water Demon,while the agrarian tribes would appease "Beings" for the success of their harvest crops.)
As humankind progressed to form more complex anthropological subgroups,these pagan "spirits and beings" eventually coalesced into monotheist religions with strict codes of conduct,and the single "God".
It's an unfortunate trait but it surely existed and still does.When there is nothing better to look forward to after death(heaven,hell,Universal Consciousness,rebirth etc),man tends to descend into a terrible downward spiral of questioning pessimism.Mencken,the philosopher put it best-"Its single function is to give man access to the powers that seem to control his own destiny,and its single purpose is to induce those powers to be friendly with him..Nothing else is essential."
If one studies the evolution of monotheist religions like Judaism,Christianity or Islam,after tracing back to their primal roots,it is enticing to believe that no religion or God is static and all these concepts have gradually evolved over time,depending on circumstances-social,political,economic and technological.
This is a balm for the souls of us,atheists,who believe that humankind has always shaped its own destiny.I would rather personally hypothetize that the only powers that control man's destiny are the ones he himself allows to do so.And that is why religion,even within a religion,is so personal and open to misunderstanding. Of course one can choose to differ vastly from my personal hypothetical belief.
We create illusions and structures,rituals and patterns based on what is most convenient in prevailing circumstances.Those who are 'charismatic' and convincing end up with possession of more power and influence.I would peacefully conclude that religion,God,castes are all made by us.Tell me if I am totally wrong.Any takers?
I do not intend,in any way,to disturb man's belief in God. But maybe sometime,somewhere down the line as homo erectus became homo sapiens,we turned a Spiritualism into Religion,a Universal Superconsciousness to a privatised,personalised commodity named God.

Observing the coexisting fraternal bonhomie and tolerance between contemporary religions and the resultant 'Peace' which is pervading the human spirit and passion,maybe it was a bad investment we made.Now to continue to live with that or to try to change a couple of things is the bard's question.
I have patiently waited for a voice to answer this question.Maybe I,myself,shall start to lend my own voice.Maybe.


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